
we finished Matsubara teacher's esquisse.

We finished Mr.Matsubara's esquisse now.


Almost he agreed to our Master plan (road map, function and zoning).


But, he pointed out that we should reconsider the plot ratio.


we said we want to keep the buildings to be low-rise buildings ( 4 floors or less) in our design area.


but, if we will accept the plot ratio( 200% of all district ) you decided, 

we must build 6 or 7 floors, or higher buildings in our design area.



but we want to keep the buildings to be low-rise buildings in our design area.


so, we propose that we will fix the plot ratio in the northwes

(office, commercial, residential complex)to raise it to 3 and the northeast

(residential area) to 3.5 .


 if we could realize it, we can control the plot ratio in our design area under 1, and 

we can preserve important buildings more than now.

How do you think about ? 



we have some questions.

Please answer it to share the recognition of MP.


なぜ "office , commercial ,residencial complex"という機能を設定したのか?


why do you choose the function "office , commercial ,residencial complex"?

we want to make the reason clear by tomorrow presentation.


about industrial park

"industrial park" とは、遺跡としてそのままの状態で保存する区域と捉えてよいか?

we think "industrial park" means to keep the area untouched as remainder.

is it correct?


about park




how do you think about the use of "park"?

you decided the plot ratio 1.5.

do you mean that there will be constructed many buildings, restaurant and bar and entertainment and so on?

we feel the word "park" means park like 凤凰山 park and 大城山 park.

(there are little buildings)




which zoning is did we decide yesterday?

we are confused about the recognition of the zoning, especially the north part.

case1:this district is separated 2 areas and specified as another function.

case2:この区画は全てeducation complexに指定されている
case2:all of this district is specified as education complex


if the zoning we decided yesterday is like sheet1, we have to decide the function of the area.(purple area)

 "restaurant and bar" が南部の機能には適していると考えている。


また、 "restaurant and bar" は周辺と敷地の関係をより親密にする。


we think "restaurant and bar" is proper for the function of the south part.

because surroundings are residence.

and "restaurant and bar" makes the relationship between this site and surroundings more close.

there is economical reason too.



how do you think?

do you have any good idea?

もし "restaurant and bar" が適応された場合、容積率はどうなる?

and if  "restaurant and bar" is adopted, how the plot ratio will be?


for example

purple : added volume
for example
how about like this?


sorry .
i had a small mistake.
the orange means design area at this plan. 

we can understand almost your contents.
but we have some questions.

1.shoud we draw a agreement of the design area?

2.can we change the road system a little?
we want avoid the bump.(we mean about the north-road)

3.what is the plot ratio based on?

this is our proposal for zoning.
you would feel the shape of design area a little strange.
because of the shape is that we want to use the bumps.

the land form is like this.

tsinghua plan (new)

we disscuss with teacher, we conclude that the road system is done,and we put the buildings on our removed place to show the density which is needed, as the ratio is between 2.0_2.5 , we need to plant some tower,However, this is not proper for this site, we will design more precisely

finally I want to say that there 4 displine we (chinese group & japanese
group) should obey.

1.we should draw a agreement that we use the same road
2.as the road have divided the site into sevral parts ,we need to draw a
agreement of the function of each part
3.we should obey the same density of each part
4.the protected part must be the same region.

so the form of each part does not need to be the same, each group(japanese & chinnese) could appear different.

our proposal

This is the idea we chose.
This idea is based on the idea we proposed at may 12th.

tsinghua's proposal

today's(5/13) esquisse in Japan

Our teacher worried that we don't agree on our master plan and china's master plan.
However, he evaluated our proposal interesting.
Also, he said that we should go on with our proposal and to represent more simply.
We will upload the proposal on blog later.
And , We have Mr.Matsubara's esquisse on satuday,so we have to decide master plan in a hurry.
We have no time really!! Let's draw up a better master plan togather with keeping in close contact.
Tomorrow , I hope for constructive discussion on skype.

about our new and final MP

Today the teacher suggested we 4 proposals to be combined to a new one. Because although our forms are different, but our goal and concept is kind of the same.
Just now we've discussed about the new and final MP. But we need time to draw it and make SketchUp models. Maybe tomorrow can show you.
Is that okay?
How about your teacher? Did he give any suggestion?

Which one did you choose ?

please tell us the Tsinghua's proposal you decided at today's meeting as soon as possible.
