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The Tohoku discussion class(with the teacher) will be held on May 13th (6:00 pm).
In japan, the discussion with Mr. Matsubara will be held on May16th .
So, we must finish our Master plan at May 16th.
Followings are schedule we propose, which is based on your proposal:
Before May 4th : All the site survey stuff will be finished, including:
1, photos.
2, AutoCad drawings: the plans and elevations of the 4 buildings which will be preserved.
3, SketchUp models: the whole site model and the 4 buildings model.
4, the site analyse: the year, use and value of buildings of the whole site.
(same as your proposal)
Before May 6th : Case study and Ideas (several ideas, more than 1).
Before May 9th: Master Plans (several plans, more than 1) based on different Ideas.
Before May 13th: Master Plans (several plans, more than 1) based on different Ideas.
Before May 16th: Discuss with Matsubara about Master Plan.
I would appreciate it If you could agree to this plan. 謝謝! Ryujin